Website coming soon




Our goal is to bring everyone together to tell East Central’s story and to celebrate the neighborhood’s beauty, its resiliency — past, present, and future.


  • You! Yes, YOU!

    Come alone, bring a family member, or bring a friend. As long as you have strong ties to East Central, we need you!

  • Get your photo taken.

    We're capturing people's photos for a massive community mural debuting at the Carl Maxey Center this fall. Get your photo taken and then tell us what East Central means to you.

  • There will be two opportunities to attend an event!

    May 20th or June 3rd
    12pm - 3pm

  • The Carl Maxey Center.

    We’re kicking off the project with two community events on the dates below. Two different chances to swing by. You can come and go as you please. There will be food, drinks, and the opportunity to add your personal story to the mix if you want! Your photo won't take long!

  • East Central is US!

    The mural is part of a larger storytelling project and website celebrating East Central and its people. Our beauty, our resiliency, our contributions. Our community. Our future hopes and dreams.


Saturday, September 23rd
12pm - 3pm

Mural Celebration

Saturday, September 23rd
12pm - 3pm

Mural Celebration


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